Frequently Asked Questions

Payment Options:

Payments accepted include MasterCard, Visa, Discover, AmEx, PayPal, ApplePay, Cash App
Ecwid keeps your payment information secure. Credit Card information is encrypted upon processing.

Returns, Cancellations, Exchanges:

Since I create by hand as you order, I do not accept cancellations, returns or exchanges. I do my best to ensure each item is carefully hand crafted to your order specificities. If you have any issue with an order please contact me directly.
If you have any issues with sizing, please contact me & i’ll try to work something out for you.


I stand behind my work. If with proper care a piece becomes damaged or overly worn, don’t hesitate to contact me. I will happily make any adjustments or repairs necessary. Simply ship the item back to me & I will repair it free of charge.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. I’m happy to discuss any concerns you may have, or any questions or advice about crystals!
The most direct way to reach is by sending an Instagram or Facebook message to @Tamaarzcreationz or by emailing me at

How do I choose crystals?

Besides choosing crystals by their looks and how you intuitively feel towards them, you may like to select them based on their potential to attract and manifest for you. I’ve have categorised a few of the the following crystals for their powerful qualities:

Abundance, Success, Wealth & Prosperity:
Pyrite, Citrine, Peridot, Jade, Green Aventurine, Malachite, Stilbite, Tiger’s Eye, Red Jasper, Topaz

Calming and Quality Sleep:
Howlite, Aquamarine , Amethyst , Sodalite , Lepidolite

Apatite, Celestite, Opal , Carnelian Lapis Lazuli

Focus, Learning and Studies:
Carnelian, Fluorite, Tiger’s Eye, Kyanite

Unakite , Rose Quartz , Carnelian

Good Luck and Health:
Bloodstone, Jade , Chrysocolla, Sodalite, Aventurine

Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Onyx

Sunstone, Citrine , Rose Quartz , Malachite

Love and Passion:
Rose Quartz, Garnet,Rhodochrosite,Amazonite , Jade

Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, Smokey Quartz , Labradorite, Pyrite

Pink Opal , Rose Quartz , Rhodonite ,

Sunstone, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Smokey Quartz, Labradorite

When should I cleanse my crystals?

We recommend that newly-bought crystals be cleansed before you use them, to remove any residual energy left on the crystals. Frequent cleansing of your crystals ensures the removal of unwanted negative energy (especially after using them for healing) and restores them to their original clarity. Their effectiveness will also be heightened.

You will know that a crystal needs cleansing when it loses its sparkle, brightness, color or feels sticky to the touch. Because of their electric properties, dust may be drawn to crystals which alters their natural healing abilities.
It’s a great treat for our crystal friends to have a regular bath to avoid buildup of dust.

Crystals can also absorb energies from other people. There’s nothing wrong with that, but those energies are not yours. It’s your energy that the crystal will be working on or with to achieve its healing effects, therefore, time to flex those cleaning muscles regularly.

Safe to wash: Quartz, Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Herkimer Diamond, Amethyst, etc.

Do not wash: Selenite, Calcite, Gypsum, Malachite, Satin Spar, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Turqoise, Desert Rose, etc.

Full Moons and New Moons are wonderful times to let your crystals bask in the moonlight.
Not sure when? Click on ONLINE FULL MOON CALENDAR to have the dates on hand!

Just as moonlight cleanses, leaving your crystals under sunlight is also another method. Take extra precaution with clear crystals such as quartz, especially crystal balls & spheres, as they may direct the sun’s rays and pose as a fire risk.

Burning Incense or Smudging
A traditional way of cleansing crystals energetically by “Air” is using the smoke of sacred herbs and wood such as sage, cedar, frankincense, sandalwood or Palo Santo. This ritual is used to remove negative energy from your crystals or your room. Please make sure your room is also well ventilated when you do this.

How can crystals help me?

•Relieve and release stress
•Amplify your healing power and potential
•Stop burn out and energy depletion
•Stimulate harmonious brain activity
•Restore the energy structure to your body and mind
•Stimulate healing, personal growth and spiritual development
•Re-connect you to your inner levels of your being and aura
•Create carrier waves of pure vibrant energy
•Improve your health and rejuvenate your body by stimulating the energy flow through your meridians
Transfer intelligent coded information to your bloodstream
•Transmute unwanted information that may be locked in your bones, tissues and unconscious mind
•Ground you and connect you to Mother Earth

Lost or Misplaced Crystals

Crystals can be purchased but they can never be truly owned. So, if you have lost or misplaced a crystal this probably means that it has found a new home where its powers can be better utilized. Or, you may get a strong urge to pass on a cherished stone into the hands of someone else. Our healing crystals are very good at sending us intuitive messages whenever they want to be given away, and to whom.
Certain crystals carry very powerful energies and can be overwhelming when worn or carried daily. These types of crystals tend to get lost or misplaced. It is not beneficial to be stimulated by vibrational energies that are too powerful. Crystals and gemstones will either get lost permanently or will be misplaced temporarily. Searching all around in your home will do no good. Not to worry, lost stones tend to resurface when their services are needed. You may think you have lost a crystal only to have it show up several months later. Or, they are replaced by a more suitable stone that unexpectedly comes your way. For example you may lose or give away an amethyst, later you find or are given a different amethyst or an entirely different type of healing crystal meant for you.

It is best to allow crystals to come and go since they do their work best without restrictions. Don’t feel badly if you have lost or misplaced a crystal. It is either taking a time out in hiding until you need it or it has moved on to a more suitable place or person.

Q: What is the meaning, purpose, history, and/ or significance of waist beads?

Briefly the art of adorning oneself with waist beads is an age old African tradition dating back to the 15th century. Some believe that the practice started in Ancient Egypt others believe it started in West Africa. Different regions in Africa wear waist beads for various reasons during different stages in ones life. The reasons range from femininity, sensuality, fertility, weight management/ body shaping, status symbol, healing, protection, rights of passage, intimacy/ seduction, etc. 

Q: Why do women wear waist beads today?

A: In today’s modern times women wear waist beads for a lot of the traditional reasons stated above especially femininity, healing, protection, weight management, and sensuality. Some women wear them solely for decorative adornment purposes. Others wear them because they are a confidence booster, they love the way they look and how wearing waist beads makes them feel. Traditionally waist beads were worn under clothing hidden from site only for a woman’s husband to see. Now some women choose to show them on the bare stomach, and others wear them over clothing.

Q: Do the different colors have meanings?

A: Yes. See color meanings.

Q: How do waist beads help with weight lost/ management?

A: Waist beads are an excellent tool to monitor your weight/ size. If your waist beads begin to get tighter, roll up, or even pop you know that you are getting bigger. As you waist beads begin to fall lower and lower you know that you are loosing weight. This is why a lot of women really like waist beads as a simple tool to use during their weight lost journey, or just as a size monitor.

Q: Can I wear waist beads while pregnant/ how do I measure while pregnant ?

A: Yes. When measuring for waist beads while pregnant you can either measure below your baby bump, across your navel, or slightly above the navel. It is a personal preference, if you measure your across your baby bump (navel) or above as your belly grows your waist beads will slide up higher little by little. 

Q: Can babies, toddlers, and young girls wear waist beads?

A: Yes.

Q: How do I properly care for my waist beads?

A: See care instructions

Q: Can I bathe in my waist beads?

A: Yes you can bathe in the traditional African waist beads.

How do they assist in healing?

Waist beads bring awareness and have a different energy. They tell the stories of the daughters of Africa. They tell the story of our womb. They remind us that our curves and everything within our belly is what makes us women. While some of our waistbeads have energy crystals the main healing is through women embracing and celebrating themselves no matter the size. Healing starts with self-love.